DO YOU KNOW? 1). Rape is an act of violence, not sexual passion. It is an attempt to hurt and humiliate, using sex as the weapon. 2). Most women are raped by strangers in high-risk situations - hitchhiking, walking alone at night, going alone to a bar, etc. That's False . Rapes can happen in these situations, but approximately few of all victims are attacked in their homes and in over half the reported rapes, women knows their attackers. 3). Victims do not cause rape. It can happen to anyone - children, Parents, students, working women, mothers, wives, the rich, the poor and also the disabled people. In fact, police believe that in the stranger-rape situation, rapists tend to prey on women who look frightened, easily intimidated, or seem to be daydreaming. Most people are raped for being at the wrong place at the wrong time 4). The majority of rapists continue until caught. True. And r...