
Showing posts from May, 2020


                 DO YOU KNOW? 1). Rape is an act of violence, not sexual passion. It is an attempt to hurt and humiliate, using sex as the weapon. 2). Most women are raped by strangers in high-risk situations - hitchhiking, walking alone at night, going alone to a bar, etc. That's False . Rapes can happen in these situations, but approximately few of all victims are attacked in their homes and in over half the reported rapes, women knows their attackers. 3). Victims do not cause rape. It can happen to anyone - children, Parents, students, working women, mothers, wives, the rich, the poor and also the disabled people. In fact, police believe that in the stranger-rape situation, rapists tend to prey on women who look frightened, easily intimidated, or seem to be daydreaming. Most people are raped for being at the wrong place at the wrong time 4). The majority of rapists continue until caught. True. And r...

Benefits of Fruits

  Health Benefits of Fruits Fruit has been recognized as a good source of vitamins and minerals, and for their role in preventing vitamin C and vitamin A deficiencies. People who eat fruit as part of an overall healthy diet generally have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. USDA's MyPlate encourages making half your plate fruits and vegetables for healthy eating. Fruit are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate (folic acid). Try incorporating blueberries, citrus fruit, cranberries or strawberries which contain phytochemicals that are being studied for added health benefits. Eating fruit Punch Health Benefits The nutrients in fruit are vitvit for health and maintenance of your body. The potassium in fruit can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Potassium may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss as you age. Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red...
                DRUG ABUSE  Definition:  Drug abuse can simply be said as, the use of drugs illegally without the doctor's description. In this modern lLif many people live be what they see and hear most especially by imitation not knowing the effects or safety precautions of what they do. Below are ways of tackling drug abuse: Prevention: parents can prevent drug abuse! Parents are the best protection youngsters can have against drug abuse. Prevention is the process, which builds into children a resistance to abusing drugs, so that drug use never begins. Prevention is a simple concept but it requires constant work to be successful. Prevention is a positive process. It is a process, which cannot be started too soon. Research indicates that children and teenagers diagnosed with ADHD are at greater risk to alcohol and drug abuse than children and teenagers in the normal population. The fo...
                      ADOLESCENT Adolesence(nt) : can be said to be the transitional period of physical and psychological development between childhood and maturity. The period of adolesence, is usually considered to be between the ages of twelve to sixteen years in girls, and the age of thirteen to eighteen years in boys, it is one of the rapid physical and intellectual growth, when the boy or girl show's a certain degree of emotional instability. It may not necessary be a period of stress and strain, and indeed many children pass from childhood to adulthood with only the minimum of growing pains. There are othter, however, to whom this transition stage does bring trials and troubles.    It is necessary that both the boys and the girls should be prepared to for the physical changes that are occuring in their bodies at this time and given the explanation for these changes. It is particularly important that the gir...


In our daily lives as technology improves we begin to neglect nature, and mother's find it difficult to spend time with their baby in tearms of breast feeding, with out knowing it's negative effect their baby. Here is a few word on how to breastfeed a baby and it's important to the baby. Healthy breas milk is the best food a baby can have, and every mother ahouls make up her mind she will breast feed the baby herself. Obviously the natural breast milk is likely to be the most suitable, unless the mother is suffering from some serious diseases. E.g tuberculosis. Otherwise there is no reason why she should not feed her baby. They are so many advantages of breast-feeding some are as follows: 1) . The breast-fed baby has a much better resistance to infection than an artificial fed baby. 2) . The breast-fed baby is less liable to be constipated than a bottled fed child. 3) . The child is best to survival in his first year if life. 4) . It is the most cheaper...

Health tips

In our daily lives the most the most important thing we value is our health, for health comes before wealth. Below are few tips on things we eat and it's important to the human body: ----- APPLE ----- * Cushion joints * Improve lung capacity * Prevent constipation * Protect the heart ----- AVOCOCADOS ---- * Battles diabetes * Controls blood pressure * Helps stops stroke * Lower cholesterol * Smoothens the skin ----- BANANA ----- * Blocks diarrhea * Controls blood pressure * Protect the heart * Strengthen bones ----- BEANS ----- * Combat cancer * Helps hemorrhoids * Lower cholesterol * Prevent constipation * Stabilize blood sugar ----- BROCCOLI ----- * Combat cancer * Controls blood sugar pressure * Protect the eyes * Saves eyesight * Strengthens ----- CABBAGE ----- * Combat cancer * Helps hemorrhoids * Prevent constipation * Promote weight loss * Protect the heart ----- CARROTS ----- * Combat cancer * Prevent constipation * Prom...


Planning a daily routine:  I believe in the first few weeks of his life the baby does little more than feeding and sleeping,his presence in the house is going to make a great change and extra work to the mother,and for this reason it is necessary to have some working rostal or timetable as a routine or a guideline tou your daily activities. This doesn't mean your whole day is going to be engaged with activities of different types, you're going to have a certain clarity in your mind as to how many hours you're going to have to spend on the baby and the hours on your domestic works and rest.  -----Planning the duty rostal----  A new baby is the most dependent member of the family,it is necessary to have a daily plan of the feeding times, bathing etc,. Then you can fix other domestic works on your daily plan also. -----Feeding Time-----  The doctor (nurse) or midwife starts the child either on 3hourly or 4hourly according to the need of the child. So...
Fixing the world to its original can simply be said as to restructure or to build the world to what its suppose to be not minding it's currupt leaders..... The leadership of some countries are good in inflecting rights on it's citizens via political power, not minding the rights of the citizens.