In our daily lives as technology improves we begin to neglect nature, and mother's find it difficult to spend time with their baby in tearms of breast feeding, with out knowing it's negative effect their baby. Here is a few word on how to breastfeed a baby and it's important to the baby.

Healthy breas milk is the best food a baby can have, and every mother ahouls make up her mind she will breast feed the baby herself. Obviously the natural breast milk is likely to be the most suitable, unless the mother is suffering from some serious diseases. E.g tuberculosis. Otherwise there is no reason why she should not feed her baby. They are so many advantages of breast-feeding some are as follows:

1) . The breast-fed baby has a much better resistance to infection than an artificial fed baby.

2) . The breast-fed baby is less liable to be constipated than a bottled fed child.

3) . The child is best to survival in his first year if life.

4) . It is the most cheaper method of feeding.

5) . The nursing mother regain her figure more faster e.t.c.

------------- The Mother's Diet----------

Mose women feed their babies, it cannot be too often stressed that overwork, worry and nervous strain of any sort will help to deplete the milk supply. So many women, feeling fit and happy after their confinements, do far too much in their first weeks back at home, over taxing their strength do that they become run down and nervy and their milk consequently begins to fail. If your intention is to nurse your baby yourself, then, ehilw you are lying in bed during the first few days after putting to birth, graph out your routine (timetable) and leave yourself sufficient periods for rest and other things.

Eat balanced and nourishing diet.e.g
Fresh fruits, green vegetables, meat, fats, cheese, shell shell eggs, raw salads, fish and milk. Have a milk drink during mid-morning rest and another before bedtime.
Breast milk is more composed of water, so the nursing mother wants a good fluof daily if she is to supply the needs of the breast. It is important to drink a glass of water half an hour before feeding the baby.
            Alcoholic drinks taken by the mother will not harm the child, and the theory that alcohol is excreted in the breast milk is false. Mild smoking is also permitted and some local authorities say that a nursing mother can smoke up to seven cigarettes a day without upsetting the baby. Excessive smoking should be prohibited.
If you're suffering from constipation increase the fluids and amount of fresh fruits that you eat, and if it has no effect take some gentle aperient such as syrup of Senna or Senna tea. Health salt aperients should be avoided, as they tend to diminish the secretion of breast milk by increasing the lost fluid.

----- Technique of Breast-feeding -----

One major essential of a successful breast-feeding is cleanliness of the nipples, for the sake of the baby and the mother. If the nipples are not cleansed at feeding times, they ate more liable to go dry and cracked. They should therefore be cleaned before and after feeding. Before geefeed the baby wipe the nipples with piece of cotton wool that has been wrung out in warm water. For no mother will give her baby drink from an uncleaned dish, and it's just important that your nipples has had this initial cleansing before putting the baby to the breast. After the feed, rewash with warm water and pat thoroughly dry.
            Your doctor it nurse will tell you  if the baby should be placed on 3hourly or 4hourly feeds. Normally babies are feed based on their birth weight

3-hourly: 6 a.m., 9 am., 12 noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m then skip to 10 p.m
Babies with over weight are placed on the 4hours feed
4-hourly: 6 a.m., 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m and 10 p.m.

............ Night feeds..........
During the first few weeks the baby may not sleep right through the night. If he wakes up at about 2 a.m. do not rush to him just be observant if he settles for sleep again. If he doesn't find his diapers wet, change it without lifting him from the cot and settle him down on his other side. If he still cries after that, then give him a little feed . After some weeks, when the baby begin to consume more food by day, he will begin to sleep sleep longer at night. He will probably sleep through to about 3 a.m., when you can still give him small feed  if he is hungry and count it as the former 2 a.m., feed. Then he will probably sleep longer to about 5 a.m., it more and the feed given to him then can be counted as  the first for that day.

There is a certain controversy as to either give both breasts to the baby at each feed or one, it is best to do as your doctor instructed.
   If the baby is given one breast at each feed, he should be given alternate breast at each feed. E.g starting the 6 a.m feed on the Left breast, the next which is by 10 a.m should be on the right side breast and so on through the day. Baby should empty the breast completely at each feed. Half-way through the feed, after about 10 minutes, hold him over your shoulder and gently pay his back to help him disperse any air he might have swallowed. Then let him continue with his feed , bringing up some more wind when he has completely finished. If there is any milk left in the breast after the his feeding should be expressed my hand or with a breast pump. The complete emptying if the breast is a great aid in keeping up a good milk supply.
     If you're adviced to give both breasts per feed, then you will start each feed on alternate breasts. That is, if the 6 a.m. feed will be started on the left and finished on the right, the 10 a.m. one should start on the right and finished on the left, and so on through the day, always start the next feed on the breast you finished the last feed.
    Feeding the baby should be done at approximately 20 minute's, and if you  five the baby 10 minutes on each breast he should absorb as much much nourishment in this time as he requires. It depends a great deal on the child itself: a quick, eager feeder will get all he requires in five minutes from each breast and a slower feeder  will need approximately 10 minutes.
     Even 20 minute's can seem a very long time if you are not comfortable, so chose a good and comfortable nursing chair. Chairs with short legs. Hold baby in the crook of your arm with his head well supposed, and with your free hand hold back the breast to guide the nipples into the his mouth. While the child is feeding keep a slight pullon the breast by placing the first and second fingers of your free  hand above and below the nipples. If your breast is very full, see that they do not press against the baby's nose and interfere with his breathing. Wash your nipples after feed and dry thoroughly. 
The feeding routine are as follows:

1) Lift and pot the baby
2) Cleanse nipples with cotton wool wrung out in water
3) Put baby on the breast and after about 10 minutes help him to expel any air he has swallowed
4) Finish feed.
5) Bring up wind again
6) Cleanse nipples
7) Pot baby.
To know if your baby I getting sufficient milk?
A baby who is healthy and taking sufficient nourishment will make a regular weekly gain at least 5-6 oz. in weight. For such reason check your babies weight at least once a week.


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