Healthy foods for weight loss


Peanut butter packs 8 grams of protein and up to 4 grams of fiber per serving,
making it an ideal snack to help you fill up and stay satisfied (particularly in
stabilizing a glycemic load). A published review of research in the
Journal of Food Science and Technology
highlights the fact that peanut butter
can help people feel more satisfied compared to "carbohydrates snacks like
race cakes in equal quantities." Peanuts
in particular contain an amino acid that
improves blood flow throughout your
body by helping blood vessels "relax"— all of which can help to mitigate fluid retention.


A cup of peas packs 8 grams of protein
and tons of key bloat-reducing nutrients. It's got nearly all of what you
need daily for vitamin C, plus magnesium, potassium, and iron — all
of which aid in counterbalancing sodium and bringing oxygen to blood cells.


When it comes to eating for weight loss,
fiber is the number one nutrient that
belongs on your radar. The Cleveland
Clinic says women should aim for the
recommended 25 to 30 grams per day,
and one of the easiest ways to do that is
by loading your plate with broccoli. The
veggie contains 16 grams per bunch! If
you don't like eating it solo, sneak it  into the dishes you already love, like this Fusilli with Broccoli Pesto recipe.


An apple a day might not always keep the doctor away, but they can help keep unwanted pounds at bay. According to a study published in the journal Nutrition, researchers found adding three apples into your daily meal plan can result in weight loss thanks to all that added fiber. Consumer Reports found that most people don't get enough of the daily nutrient, so consider this an easy way to up your tally.


Tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, cucumber, and other salad staples all
help you stay hydrated due to their
high water content. That extra water can
offset fluid retention caused by excess


The potassium in citrus helps combat
bloat while the antioxidants fight
inflammation, which is associated with
belly-fat storage. Since a key part of
beating the bulge is proper hydration,
adding citrus to your water can help
non-water drinkers to sip up and
ultimately slim down!


Sure, nuts aren't known for being low  in calories, but they have an array of other properties—namely a high protein and fiber content—that makes them ideal for weight loss. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, Circulation , found that consuming 1.5 ounces of almonds daily (as opposed to a carb-dense muffin) along with a heart-healthy diet, helped to improve cholesterol and lipid profiles among the research participants. The study also found that eating almonds also reduces belly fat.


A myriad of different teas have been
shown to aid weight loss, and green tea is no exception. In fact, a study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that after just two weeks, those who sipped four to five cups of the green brew each day, in addition to working out for 25 minutes, lost more belly fat than those who didn't imbibe. Scientists attribute green tea's ability to shrink waists to the beverages catechins, a type of antioxidant that hinders the storage of belly fat and facilitates rapid weight loss.


Limited research indicates eggs, which
are low in calories and are rich in other  dietary nutrients, may aid in weight loss over time. High-protein breakfasts,including omelets and veggie-forward skillet scrambles, can be quite satiating throughout the day; but even a hard-boiled egg atop a salad at lunch can also keep you full until dinner.


Just like strawberries, blueberries have also been found to help prevent weight gain due to their high levels of  anthocyanins. Grab a carton to munch
on, add them into your overnight oats,
or make them the base of a delicious
weight loss smoothie.


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